B2C applications

(B2C) is abbreviation to (business to client),
It is a form of transaction between businesses such as one involving a company and a direct customer
The company or the factory produces products or services and the direct customer chooses what he wants which is also a well-known aspects of dealing in e-commerce

It was not much different from the (B2B) It's a trading between companies and institutions with their clients and their target directly.

Master Vision Integrated Solutions as one of the most important programming companies in Egypt and Middle East provides its customers with the service of (B2C) application.

It supports the relation between the companies and their clients, and provides them with the best connection service. As Master Vision offers the (B2B) applications, also it offers the (B2C) applications for corporate clients who want to communicate directly with their customers to enhance their marketing activity in order to sell their products and services with the activation of electronic payment transactions to collect for their products and services payment, all that through the required website design and programming work which we implemented to Master Vision client. As we mentioned that, the companies and institutions search for new markets to expand their business activities, the best solution for them will be the online communities which will be in turn the best service, especially with the rapidly  increase in the number of Internet users and their attitudes which became varied much, and exceeded access to information.


Do not Forget that Master Vision Integrated Solutions not only service provider but also success partners.

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